were original artistic and scientific encounters in the format of unexpected, low scale symposiums developed over two seasons as part of Flux Laboratory Athens' programming. Dancers, choreographers, scientists, technologists and the general public came together to explore the “worlds” that were born through the synergy between dance, the human body, science and technology. A platform for dialogue and experimentation on the boundaries of disciplines through performances, speeches, speed dating events and workshops.
concept development & curation by Third Planet
produced by Flux Laboratory Athens
press clippings:
talk radio
June 2022
Το Flux Laboratory ιδρύθηκε το 2003. Είναι ένα πειραματικό εργαστήριο το οποίο εδρεύει στη Γενεύη και λειτουργεί σε στενή συνεργασία με το Ίδρυμα Fluxum. Παράγει πολύπλευρη καλλιτεχνική δράση και πειραματίζεται με νέες διαδικασίες δημιουργίας και συνεργασίας. Το Flux Laboratory ενθαρρύνει τις συνέργειες και, από το 2016, υποστηρίζει και παράγει έργο στην Αθήνα υπό την αιγίδα της Πρεσβείας της Ελβετίας στην Ελλάδα. Καλλιεργώντας δράσεις που σχετίζονται με το Σώμα και την Κίνηση, το Flux Laboratory Athens αναπτύσσει καλλιτεχνικές, κοινωνικές και επιχειρηματικές πρωτοβουλίες.
Από το 2022 επιμελούμαστε δράσεων που παράγονται από το Flux Laboratory Athens και φέρνουν κοντά την τέχνη με την επιστήμη μέσα από απρόσμενες συνεργασίες. Έργα/concepts που έχουν δημιουργηθεί:
Art & Science Micro Forum (I & II)
Experiment A καλλιτεχνική φιλοξενία
Dance Science πιλοτική έρευνα (τρέχον)
Καλλιτέχνες, επιστήμονες, οργανώσεις, θεωρητικοί με τους οποίους έχουμε συνεργαστεί μέχρι τώρα: Die Wolke Art Group, Κυριακή Νασιούλα (Gesamtatelier), Μαρία Καρόγλου (Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο), Νάντια Αργυροπούλου, One Continuous Lab, Χριστιάνα Καζάκου, Ζωή Ευσταθίου, AKTINA Ανώτερη Επαγγελματική Σχολη Χορού Gingercreepers Theatre Band, James Bridle, Quo Vadis Dance, Akoo-o Collective, Εθνικό Αστεροσκοπείο Αθηνών, BIOS exploring Urban Culture.
Ολες οι δράσεις πραγματοποιούνται με την υποστήριξη των Αθηνά Δεληγιάννη & Χρισττίνα Δηλάρη στο Flux Laboratory Athens.

photo by Die Wolke Art Group
Line up
James Bridle, Olga-Joan Ktenidou (National Observatory of Athens), Die Wolke Art Group, Quo Vadis Dance Company

December 2022
The second edition of Art & Science Micro Forum looks at the conceptual and actual spaces of the atmosphere. An atmosphere is a layer of gas or gases that envelope a planet, held in place by its gravity providing protection and shaping the properties of its world. A chemical environment, product of billions of years of processes, that preserves a fragile balance and creates an intimate dialogue with the planetary body it encircles. An essential ingredient to life as we know it.
Throughout the two day forum the audience will be taken on a journey, from the surface of the earth, to the Edge of Outer Space, passing through all of the atmosphere’s layers and pausing in each one to cross-disciplinarily explore the problematics of climate change via different artistic mediums, talks & workshops. Each layer/stop creates a different context for events.
Just as the boundaries between atmospheric layers bleed into one another, the forum seeks to encourage a porous, open relationship between audience, artists, scientists, and the urban environment with events clustered in the historical centre of Athens: at the premises of Flux Laboratory Athens in Plaka, in the building located at 5 Mpenizelou Palaiologou Str. (near the Metropolitan Cathedral), as well as at the National Observatory Athens.
Produced with the support of Athina Delyannis & Christina Dilari at
Flux Laboratory Athens.

poster design by Athina Delyannis
Line up
Nadja Argyropoulou, Chris Vrettos, Akoo.o (Dana Papachristou, Giorgos Samantas), Dimitra Kosuteridou, Stergios Misios (National Observatory of Athens), Fiori Anastasia Metallinou (National Observatory of Athens), Martha Passakopoulou, Ioannis Karounis, Dr. Mindy Howard (Inner Space Training), oneContinuousLab (Odysseas Kleisouras, Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos), AKTINA professional dance school, Zoi Efstathiou, Gingercreepers Theatre Band (Grigoris Hatzakis, Christos Kapenis), Dr. Andreas Kazantzidis (University of Patras), Natasha Martin.

February - March 2024
The third edition of Art & Science Micro Forum brings focus to our inner worlds and how these affect us and those around us. In an era where public discourse is focused on the evolution of artificial intelligence, virtual reality and ever increasing use of technologies that enhance the digitalisation of the human experience, we choose to shed light on the quieter landscapes of our inner worlds: the human psyche and its capacity for emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage both our own emotions and understand the emotions of people around us. As opposed to Artificial Intelligence (AI), emotional intelligence highlights our interdependence and the porous boundaries between the I and the we.
This world exists in our body, is ever present but yet under explored. In the forum, we draw from anthropology and psychology and invite the audience to a series of performances, workshops and talks. We examine the private and public body as a tool for increasing our capacity to listen to ourselves, to each other and to instigate positive changes towards a more inclusive, understanding and caring social fabric.
Produced with the support of Niki Xenou, Christina Dilari & Vassiliki Varouxi at
Flux Laboratory Athens.

Line up
Athanasia Kanellopoulou, Angelos Papadopoulos, Eleni Tzikou, Yiota Peklari, Vassia Zorbali, Natasha Martin, Carlos Dall'Asta, Maria Karageorgou, Androula Ilia, Dr. Maria Koutsouba (University of Athens), Konstantinos Dimopoulos (University of Athens), George Foutzoulas, Zoe Bakopoulou,